A dynamic website and database of a fictional shipping company, consisting of php, html, css, and MySQL.

On the landing page, shipments can be tracked using the order number and the recipient’s zip code. The backend of the server compares the submitted information with the information from the database and checks if the respective user is authorized. A site map to other parts of the website is implemented in the footer. Clicking on the company logo takes you back to the home page. The contact subpage displays a small biography of the fictional company and its contact options. On the location subpage you can find opening hours and an embedded Google Maps window. The admin subpage offers administrators, after they have authorized themselves with username and password, the possibility to manipulate the content of the database using SQL commands, i.e. to edit, create, or delete addresses and shipments. Whether the command was successful or a possible error message is shown in an output window. SELECT commands are also possible and are displayed. The hash subpage is somewhat hidden. It is only available by changing the URL manually. Since the passwords for the admin subpage are not stored in plain text in the database, rather encrypted, the hash subpage offers the possibility to apply the encryption function to a new password, so that it can be stored in the database using an SQL command.


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