Jakob Christoph Vogler

Software Engineer | CS @ KIT

Library Service (2023)

A SaaS application managing reservations for the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology’s legacy library seat reservation system, built with Next.js, MongoDB, and TypeScript. Reservations are created for registered users via a scheduled cron job. Several workarounds have been discovered so that it is possible to take up two time slots with one reservation or not having to check in for a particular reservation. This reservation system was discontinued in Q3 2023....

2023 - 09 - 25 · Jakob Vogler

Direction Fields of Differential Equations

A program for graphically plotting directional fields of user-defined first-order explicit differential equations and their isolines (of select equations only), featuring a command line interface as input and graphical output, written in Java. This application was created as part of one of my courses. The input menu offers the option to select one of three already implemented equations or to enter one of your own. In addition, it offers the option to recall the last self-entered equation in the following iteration, which saves some typing....

2022 - 06 - 14 · Jakob Vogler

Vogler Logistics

A dynamic website and database of a fictional shipping company, consisting of php, html, css, and MySQL. On the landing page, shipments can be tracked using the order number and the recipient’s zip code. The backend of the server compares the submitted information with the information from the database and checks if the respective user is authorized. A site map to other parts of the website is implemented in the footer....

2020 - 05 - 22 · Jakob Vogler

CMD Todos

A lightweight todo list application for the command line, written in Java. CMD Todos allows you to manage your to-dos by creating, updating, and deleting them. You can also tick and untick tasks as you complete them, and sort and display them in specific order. With this application, you can easily add new tasks and keep your list accurate and up-to-date. Try it out to stay organized and on top of your tasks....

2019 - 10 - 11 · Jakob Vogler